GIS Degree program on Master-level
The UNIGIS Master of Science is a postgraduate study program in distance-learning format. It establishes a solid foundation with the key concepts and methods in Geographic Information Systems and Science, and provides the competences for solving complex real-world problems. Students develop their individual areas of expertise in the Electives as well as the Master Thesis research, according to their personal needs and interests. UNIGIS MSc students are typically working GI-professionals, who lead – or aim to lead – interdisciplinary teams. Graduates from the UNIGIS MSc program will be awarded with the Master of Science (CE) degree from the University of Salzburg.
The study is compliant with the level 7 (Master) of the European Qualifications Framework.
Target group
Master of Science (CE) degree
CE stands for “Continuing Education”
Starting dates
2 years, average weekly workload 12-15 hrs (depending on prior knowledge). An extension of one additional year (up to 3 years study duration) is free of charge.
Tuition fee
Alternatively payable in
– 2 equal annual installments of – € 6,500.-, or
– 4 installments: 1st installment of € 4,450.-, 2nd – 4th equal installments of € 2,850.-.
Additional fees are due for credit card payment.
Study Content
The UNIGIS MSc study program is based on a modular structure, including
- 9 core modules (each one 6 ECTS),
- Elective subjects (24 ECTS),
- the study phase “Academic Guidance and Support” (9 ECTS),
- the Master Thesis (30 ECTS), and
- the Defense (3 CTS)
In total, the program amounts to 120 ECTS credits.
The program is designed to be completed in two years, however it can be extended for one additional year without additional fee.
Curriculum overview
For further details refer to the Curriculum for the degree study program “Geographical Information Science & Systems – UNIGIS MSc (CE)”. This is an informal translation of the legally binding document released in German language.
Next start
1st October 2025
Application deadline: 10th September 2025
Due date of tuition fees: 17th September 2025